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Dr Edward Yang is a Senior Consultant Radiation Oncologist at Gleneagles and Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospitals, who has special interests in the management of urologic, paediatric, breast and nasopharyngeal cancer and has more than 20 years of experience in radiotherapy.
Dr Yang graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the National University of Singapore (MBBS) in 1981 and started his training in Radiotherapy in 1984. Following that, he was awarded the Higher Manpower Development Programme Fellowship for sub-specialty training in Radiotherapy and Oncology at Middlesex Hospital and Middlesex-University College Hospital Medical School from 1986 to 1988.
Prior to setting up his private practice, Dr Yang served as Consultant Radiation Oncologist at the Singapore General Hospital, where he oversaw Urologic Oncology at the Department of Therapeutic Radiology. He also served as Senior Consultant of Radiation Oncology at the National Cancer Centre, where he began a 3D conformal Assurance at the Department of Radiation Oncology.
As a result of his expertise and leadership in the field, Dr Yang has taken a number of teaching commitments at the National University of Singapore’s Faculty of Medicine and Nanyang Polytechnic’s School of Nursing in topics such as post-basic oncology nursing, therapeutic radiography and principles of radiotherapy. In addition to that, he is a currently member of the Specialist Training Committee which oversees training in Radiation Oncology in Singapore.
Dr Yang frequently shares his knowledge with other clinicians and academics regularly and has been invited to speak at conferences in Brunei, China, Indonesia and Singapore. He has also presented in Malaysia, the United States, Dublin, Japan and Singapore on conditions ranging from Head and Neck Cancer to Nasopharyngeal Cancer. As a widely published expert in Radiation Oncology, Dr Yang has contributed to various journals and publications like The Singapore Medical Journal, Annals Academy of Medicine and Annals of Oncology.
Dr Yang has contributed to the medical field not only through treatment and research, but also through community service. He has served on the Board of the St Andrews Mission Hospital and the Executive Committee of the Singapore Society of Oncology, and was also a Founding Member of the Nasopharyngeal Cancer Work Group in Singapore.
Clinical Focus: Prostate Cancer, Paediatric Cancer, Breast Cancer, Nasopharyngeal Cancer, Colorectal Cancer
Procedure Focus: Radiotherapy, Therapeutic Radiotherapy, Brachytherapy
FRCR (Clinical Oncology)
FAMS (Radiation Oncology)