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The Benefits of Salmon

The Benefits of Salmon: Is the Fish Really Good for You

You’ve probably heard that salmon is healthy. But how healthy is it, really? We tackle the answer by comparing wild\-caught and farmed salmon, various...

Are Milk Alternatives Better for You?

Are Milk Alternatives Better for You

Factors like dietary requirements and ethical concerns play a key role when consumers decide what to add to their lattes. We shed light on how you can...

Mood\-Boosting Foods

12 Mood\-Boosting Foods: Eat Your Way to Happiness

Our dietitian shares 12 mood\-boosting foods and gives recommendations on how you can include them into your daily meals to reap their benefits...

Carb Load for Sports

Should You Carb Load for Sports

The practice of carbohydrate loading is often used by athletes to enhance performance and endurance in their sports events. But is it suitable for...

Why Must Some Medicines Be Taken Before or After Food

Why are some medicines best taken before or after food? What foods should you avoid or consume before taking medicine? Dr Geeta Paulmer explains...

Recipe: Ah Sam’s Zesty Barramundi

Recreate Guest Chef Sam Leong’s Zesty Barramundi, a Thai\-inspired steamed seabass with lime and garlic, served with steamed fragrant rice...

Recipe: Bowl of Beefy Goodness

Recreate Guest Chef Sam Leong’s Bowl of Beefy Goodness, a hearty so mein noodle soup featuring tender braised beef shin...

Recipe: Herbal Harmony

Recreate Guest Chef Sam Leong’s Herbal Harmony, a delectable oven\-baked herbal chicken with coriander stem and bitter gourd...

Recipe: Meatless Medley

Recreate Guest Chef Sam Leong’s Meatless Medley, a savoury steamed silken tofu topped with plant\-based meat, served in a velvety vegetarian broth...

Recipe: Pearls of the Sea

Recreate Guest Chef Sam Leong’s Pearls of the Sea, an exquisite barley\-infused seafood porridge flavoured with succulent scallops, shrimps and conpoy...

The Benefits of Salmon

The Benefits of Salmon: Is the Fish Really Good for You

You’ve probably heard that salmon is healthy. But how healthy is it, really? We tackle the answer by comparing wild\-caught and farmed salmon, various...

Are Milk Alternatives Better for You?

Are Milk Alternatives Better for You

Factors like dietary requirements and ethical concerns play a key role when consumers decide what to add to their lattes. We shed light on how you can...

Mood\-Boosting Foods

12 Mood\-Boosting Foods: Eat Your Way to Happiness

Our dietitian shares 12 mood\-boosting foods and gives recommendations on how you can include them into your daily meals to reap their benefits...

Carb Load for Sports

Should You Carb Load for Sports

The practice of carbohydrate loading is often used by athletes to enhance performance and endurance in their sports events. But is it suitable for...

Why Must Some Medicines Be Taken Before or After Food

Why are some medicines best taken before or after food? What foods should you avoid or consume before taking medicine? Dr Geeta Paulmer explains...

Recipe: Ah Sam’s Zesty Barramundi

Recreate Guest Chef Sam Leong’s Zesty Barramundi, a Thai\-inspired steamed seabass with lime and garlic, served with steamed fragrant rice...

Recipe: Bowl of Beefy Goodness

Recreate Guest Chef Sam Leong’s Bowl of Beefy Goodness, a hearty so mein noodle soup featuring tender braised beef shin...

Recipe: Herbal Harmony

Recreate Guest Chef Sam Leong’s Herbal Harmony, a delectable oven\-baked herbal chicken with coriander stem and bitter gourd...

Recipe: Meatless Medley

Recreate Guest Chef Sam Leong’s Meatless Medley, a savoury steamed silken tofu topped with plant\-based meat, served in a velvety vegetarian broth...

Recipe: Pearls of the Sea

Recreate Guest Chef Sam Leong’s Pearls of the Sea, an exquisite barley\-infused seafood porridge flavoured with succulent scallops, shrimps and conpoy...